Wednesday 28 September 2016

PIDP 3260 - Feedback Strategies Digital Project

I've done the Feedback Strategies Digital Project on the One Minute Paper.

It's a neat info-graphic describing it in short but sweet, concise detail.

Here's the link:

PIDP 3260 - Reflection on my PIDP Courses

I've taken all of the PIDP courses now, just three of them within the last month (including this course, 3260!).

With each course has come a new learning experience, in a different learning environment. There have been challenges, both mental and physical, and I'm proud to say I'm ready to face the Capstone project.

Here is a brief summary of what I've learned, what's changed in my thinking, and how I will change my practice going forward for each course:

PIDP 3100: Foundations of Adult Education

  • I was introduced to the PID program in this course. I learned how prevalent online and distance learning is become
  • I learned what I can do to help people become a lifelong learner, through teaching computer literacy
  • I can help others adapt to the ongoing and ever-evolving technology trends in society, and to help them understand the 'meat and potatoes' so that they can continue to function without feeling lost or left behind
  • This course made me feel that I should introduce supplementary online portions to my course, to help facilitate students' learning

PIDP 3210: Curriculum Development

  • I learned through taking this class that designing a Curriculum is like designing other things I've learned in school. It's complex, has many more variables than I ever thought, and must be broken down to its roots.
  • After breaking down the curriculum and everything I want a learner to understand, I had to re-construct it with purpose and intent
  • This has affected how I think about students in their learning, and how much they need to learn per course, while not cutting out too much or trying to teach too much. There is time needed for learning, and a reason to the structure of each course syllabus.
  • I will make an attractive and easy-to-understand course outline that communicates directly what we'd learn in the course. Also, there will be emphasis on why my course will help students be directly better at what they may not already know.

PIDP 3220: Delivery of Instruction

  • This was one of the courses I just finished taking on Vancouver Island at Camosun College. It was an incredible experience as 7 of us got together in the smallest 'in-class' classroom I've had.
  • The learning was direct, and we taught each other mini-lessons on things that many of us had never tried or experienced before.
  • I got to teach the basics of Wi-Fi, signal interference, and troubleshooting in about 10 minutes. It was really successful, and it made me realize that "Yes, I can do this" in the real world.
  • It's helped me realize that in the future, I will use my experience to set up questions that most people will ask, and have the answer ready. This will help me look a bit more knowledgeable, but also solidifies that they are confident in what they're learning.

PIDP 3230: Evaluation of Learning

  • Many people didn't like this course as much, but I loved it. It taught me how I want to be able to evaluate and assess my students' learning.
  • I learned different ways to assess and evaluate their learning, based on a number of variables. It can be done during the course, during a lesson, during exams, or after the course is over. The most important thing is to maintain communication with students so they're never left in the dark.
  • In the future, I will design my computer literacy classes to assess their skill in-person. From there, I will provide constructive feedback and positive encouragement to help hone and develop their skills, leading up to the next assessments.

PIDP 3240: Media-Enhanced Learning

  • This is another course that I'm just finishing up. While I have a degree in Interactive Technology, this course taught me practical application of technology to the world of adult learning. 
  • I learned that info-graphics don't all have to be created in Illustrator or InDesign anymore, and that web-based programs are widely accessible to create some good-quality visuals.
  • Social Media and media communications tools have power to communicate mass amounts of information, but it's important to be careful when involving anything like this into the hands of a classroom. There are many unforeseen variables that can tarnish an instructor's reputation, or the overall learning dimensions of a classroom
  • As I'm teaching computer literacy, I will be very aware going forward about the technology used in the classroom, and how far I'd be teaching into each branch of technology (including social media).

PIDP 3250: Instructional Strategies

  • In this course, we learned about a variety of instructional strategies to facilitate learning. We learned which strategies were best applied to our own individual brand of teaching. How? We did this through breaking down each strategy to its roots and realizing what made it so effective or ineffective towards our field.
  • I learned that there are many approaches I can take to teaching my computer literacy course. However, it's up to me to decide on what will happen in my classroom to best facilitate learning. There will always be different people in the classroom that learn better through different strategies.
  • I will make sure there are back-up plans to teaching the course for different types of learners; my goal here is to make sure no learner feels left behind or anxious in their learning. I want to help everyone achieve the set of skills I aim to teach.

PIDP 3260: Professional Practice

  • One of the most important things I've learned in this class is that there will inevitably be a time where I'm faced with a moral dilemma of sorts, and I will need time to think it through. There are many variables to each situation, and they must be assessed and thought about.
  • Going forward, there won't be a simple answer to a "can I just have the extra few marks" or "may I have a reference" going into a field. I will need to understand how my input and decisions affect stakeholders everywhere, and that I need to think of myself in these situations as well.
  • I will have to set out some more solid ground rules in my classrooms, and make time for individuals with requests and questions. I'll let them know that I will need time to think things over, as I like to have the best game-plan for each scenario. This way they will be happier knowing I can get them the best information possible and put some effort into each situation.

Well, I hope that sums it up quite well! Up next, a link to my Feedback Strategies Digital Project!

Sunday 18 September 2016

PIDP 3260 - Intent of Each Lecture + Lifelong Learning

In Brookfield's The Skillful Teacher, he states "When we use any teaching approach, we need to be clear exactly what it's intended to achieve. This clarity should not be apparent just to us, it should also be apparently to students."

One thing I wholeheartedly admired about some of my favourite professors and instructors is their ability to connect the why we were in each class. What we were going to learn that day tied directly to the practical outcome of the class, which in the end was what we signed up to learn. This knowledge or way of thinking was going to make an impact, and we weren't there just filling seats or making attendance. What we were about to learn had a purpose.

I aim to do this with each class I have when I teach computer literacy. The specific skills we learn each class will develop different areas students need for their understanding. Whether it's formatting text in word processing, or learning the consequences of information privacy when creating a social media profile, each session will connect with the outcomes of the course. I want to help my students understand this.

In relation, this type of intent is needed in many situations in life. Many of us need to know that what we're doing is serving a purpose for us. There is always a why behind the why, behind the why. Sometimes it works out that it serves Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and sometimes I just keep asking why.

For example:
Q: "Why am I at work?"
A: "Because I need money"

Q: "Why do I need money?"
A: "Because I need to purchase groceries, pay rent, and support my wife."

Q: "Why do I have to purchase groceries, pay rent, and support my wife?"
A: "Because I need food and shelter to survive, and my wife is everything to me."

My point is, we need to continually be reassured that what we're doing is not pointless, and that it serves purpose or intent.

We need to continually learn as we grow old, because so many things are changing. One main example is technology. New ways of interacting with people, information, and yourself are being thought of all the time. We will need to learn to adapt. There are new objects and materials created, and inspectors to inspect those objects and materials, and inspectors to inspect the inspectors (and so on).

The world is continually creating and shifting, and in turn we must learn to grow with it. We will meet more new people today than many people did just a hundred years ago. Learning their cultures, how to communicate with them, and how to be happy and grow with them is something we'll continue to learn for a long time.

Living a learning mindset will help us foster creativity and innovation, as we expand our minds to connect with more information. As a teacher, it will help me face new challenges, ideate towards innovation and new possibilities, and problem solve in a more creative manner.

Thursday 8 September 2016

PIDP 3260 - Week 6 - Lecturing Creatively

In chapter 6, Brookfield talks about asking questions before your lecture, and framing the lecture around these questions. This lets comments and suggestions centralize around these questions, thereby guiding the attention of the class. Additionally, this lets the class know that these questions will be addressed through the lecture, and perhaps the class can brainstorm or stem more insight beyond the main points of the lecture.

Forming a lecture around a particular set of questions will be key in teaching computer literacy. I’ve taken some points from the University of Waterloo (UW) Centre For Teaching Excellence, where they summarize a section called Lecturing Effectively. While following guidelines including sub-topics on preparation, lecture notes, engaging students, and more, I can centralize the lecture around questions that may generate a buzz in the class.

An example would be “What is WiFi, and why does it work better in some areas versus others?” Another being “How can you make a professional-looking resume that won’t get tossed aside, in only 30 minutes?” These questions sometimes read like headlines, but it can get students thinking of possibilities, or perhaps peak their interests.

I can aid these questions and structured lesson plans with visual aids as well. From the same Centre For Teaching Excellence website through UW, I have taken notes from their Designing Visual Aids article. This will help reduce clutter and distraction in my visuals, while keeping the learners engaged while we go through lesson plans.

In terms of searching for a video that would supplement these ideas, below is a TED Talk from Osaka in 2012. Garr Reynolds instigates his 'talk' on lectures by engaging everyone right at the start. There's a thought thrown about into the audience, and he does a great job of connecting the audience to the ideas.

Sunday 4 September 2016

PIDP 3260 - Ethics in Adult Classrooms

I found this article on that talks about Ethics in Adult Classrooms. It essentially summarises the basics of how to be open and positive in the classroom, while understanding that everyone will come from their own background.

For example, it encompasses questions like 'Do I respect everyone I'm teaching?', and 'Have I given enough attention to my own reflection in this practice?' It addresses ethical and moral dilemmas as well.

However, when it comes to teaching computer literacy, is there really a code of ethics? I mean, I'm sure there is when it comes to each individualised educational institution, but what about a personal code of ethics? The educational institution has the code to protect itself and its stakes from liability, but there should be a code for instructors as well.

Personally, I'd aim to be open and tolerant with all my learners. Computer literacy combines psycho-motor skills with a highly cognitive and emotional learning sequence. It stimulates many parts of the mind, which in turn can create anxiety, fear, and unwillingness to learn.

That said, I've yet to see a great example of a code of ethics when it comes to computer literacy as of yet.

PIDP 3260 - Resistance

As someone who went through too many years of undergrad before I saw the piece of paper in my hand called a degree, I can more-than-understand "resistance" in learning. Simon Fraser University had some of the worst (no offense) professors and instructors I've encountered at any educational institution. However, it also had a few of the best.

Brookfield's 2nd edition outlines resistance in chapter 12, and how to understand it. I'll mention the subheadings that Brookfield does, outlining the different types of resistance, and why it may happen. I'll also point out what I think I can do about it, and hope that it does work for the best.

Poor Self-Image as Learners

While many learners may have had poor experiences in the past when it comes to learning, they may have this notion thinking they're not intellectually gifted. When I'm teaching computer literacy, I expect my students to come from varying backgrounds. This means that some may have a lower self-image of themselves when it comes to learning.

This isn't something I encourage, and I intend to show everyone in the first class the basics of how I break down multi-faceted concepts in the classroom. For example, taking a bland document in MS Word and re-arranging it to look nice can be broken down into simple steps. I've done this before and it has had great results.

Fear of the Unknown

This is a common occurrence when it comes to learning computer literacy skills. What if you push a button and the entire computer shuts down? While this is highly unlikely and many operating systems have foolproof methods of preventing this from happening, it's still a common misconception among learners in this field.

From working in technical support, I've witnessed first-hand the fear of not knowing what can happen, or the fear of not knowing what kind of power you might be wielding when sitting at a computer with all the controls at your fingertips. I think I can help shake this misconception by challenging my students to try and tell me what steps they'd need to take to really crash a computer (outside of the Internet, of course). Chances are they won't be able to come up with a way, unless they've seen or done it before.

The Normal Rhythm of Learning

I want my students to realise that this new set of skills doesn't have to come with an uncomfortable feeling of being somewhere new. I want them to explore their skill-set after acquiring it, and let them know that the environment they're in was set up for just that. For example, launching Microsoft Word for the first time will produce a lot of anxiety. Once students learn to type and change a few things, they'll realise there are a lot of other options.

However, I can help them understand that clicking all of the buttons won't crash the computer, or really destroy anything. It's a safe sandbox environment, where virtually everything has an "undo" feature. This should help eliminate the "two steps forward, one step back" mentality.

Dis-junction of Learning and Teaching Styles

I will make sure that the style of teaching I choose is representative of how students would like to learn. Through research in other courses, and teaching experience, I've learned that students prefer an in-person classroom with a computer for each student. Then, they like to be walked through each task step by step, while they follow along the instructor's screen on a projector. This way, they can mimic each task, ask questions in person, and have individualised attention when needed.

However, I am open to changing and adjusting the teaching styles to help students learn in the best way possible. I will supplement learning with online videos for when students go home, as well as providing anything else I can do to enhance learning.

Apparent Irrelevance of the Learning Activity

Learners want their education to mean something, especially when it comes to learning computer literacy later in life. They are 'paying to learn computers', essentially. If they don't find the relevance in what they're learning, almost immediately, they can turn off like a switch.

One thing I've learned, is to make it personal to them. We can figure out who's learning to communicate with friends or relatives, who is trying to advance their careers, and other areas  of technology that people might be trying to break into. For example, I was only learning math in university because my degree required it. I had no interest in Calculus, and it showed. I still continue to have no interest, but it has proven to help my thinking process when approaching new problems.

Level of Required Learning is Inappropriate

As someone who is allergic to many plants and pollen-laden flowers, I'm a newbie when it comes to gardening. That said, if I were to take a class and my instructor asked me what type of garden I'd like to grow with what type of plants, I'd be at a loss. To organize and structure my own learning? No thanks. I came to class to learn something that was structured for me. Spoon feed me!

This is the same when it comes to computer literacy. It's such a vast world, and the instructor (me) should be responsible to understand the level of learning required, and the pace at which it should happen. I've designed my course (and re-designed it) in PIDP 3210 to the point where my own instructor said he'd want to take it when it becomes available. I'm confident I can resist the resistance here.

Fear of Looking Foolish in Public

Nobody wants to be the person who can't tweet or post an Instagram picture from their phone in public, right? The old days of "Hey, can I borrow your phone?" have gone away for many older adults and seniors, because they can't interact with a basic smartphone. 

I have parents, former students and customers that have this fear all the time. And they don't like to admit it until we're in a private conversation where they feel more comfortable admitting their weaknesses. Well, to be fair, we all get this feeling. My class would help with the basics that most people know, and help to diminish the things that we think we should know, but most people don't. For example, most people cannot code and design their own virus, despite what many people think when they lend their laptops to friends. This fear happens more often than I'd like to admit I've seen.

Cultural Suicide

I don't feel like cultural suicide is a huge concern for me, but I may have to learn this one the hard way. I see computer literacy as basic as numerical literacy for functioning in today's society in North America. If I cannot provide this to every living person without some sort of culture shock, then something in modern culture and society needs to change. I want to welcome my students to a wealth if information, not burden them with it.

Lack of Clarity in Teachers' Instructions

This is one I faced for years at SFU. There were language barriers with many professors, not just clarity-in-instruction barriers. There were also teaching barriers, one instructor in particular who flew away to SXSW festival in Texas instead of coming to lecture. We sat there for almost an hour before our TA got a hold of him while he was inebriated somewhere. We were pretty angry, but he got fired and I'm happy he did.

That aside, in a computer literacy class, I need to make sure that each concept is broken down in easy-to-digest chunks, and that each step precedes the next in a way that makes complete sense. For example, we need to turn on the computer, and then log into Windows. We need to log into Windows so the computer knows who we are, and that we are allowed access to the contents of the computer. That carries onto more complex parts of interacting with the computer. I never want my students to feel a lack of clarity or direction, and encourage questions in my classroom.

Students' Dislike of Teachers

This seems like one that I will have to take class by class. Each group of learners is different and unique in their own ways, and I will have to address this as such. Learning is very emotional, and if I do anything to disturb or negatively affect that, students will dislike me. It's something that is inevitable. However, I will have to do my best and inquire for feedback when necessary.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Teaching in Diverse Classrooms + Where I'll be in 5 Years

It's amazing how I'm taking this PIDP 3260 class on the edge of my last few months in Canada. I mean, I was born and raised here, but I'll be moving with my wife to Ireland (her homeland) near the end of the year.

We have connections to some instructors there, where I may be able to work with two main age groups: youth who have had poor life experiences, and older adults and seniors. I specialize in teaching computer literacy, and instilling confidence in people's public speaking.

Brookfield's 2nd edition book has a chapter called "Teaching in Diverse Classrooms". What better chapter to pick for a blog post? Diversity is discussed from "self-directed" to "highly teacher-dependent" learners in this chapter. There is diversity in "personalities ranging from extrovert to introvert", also in identity which can stem from sexual orientation, religion, and ideologies.

Being born and raised in the greater Vancouver area, I've worked with racially, sexually, and religiously diverse colleagues, students, and teachers through my life. I've been throughout Canada, and feel that I'm able to manage the soft skills involved with making everyone feel accepted and comfortable in the classroom. I'm very open and understanding, and work well with those who often would feel uncomfortable in many situations.

Students will come from varying backgrounds. There will be no "best-fit" formula for all students. It's important to understand that learners are all individuals, and will interpret learning individually. Brookfield states that the "Critical Incident Questionnaire" (CIQ) will be helpful in attaining feedback to better shape the classroom and provide the best quality of learning.

"Only by conducting some form of continuous classroom research such as the CIQ will you be able to know how diversity is manifesting itself and how successful are your efforts to address it."

That said, I believe I'll bring the right attitude towards a new challenge in Ireland. Whether I end up teaching youth who have had to deal with difficult situations, or older adults and seniors, each will provide their own diversity. Their role as stakeholders in the education they want to acheive may vary, but my responsibility will remain the same. My approach and how I conduct myself will make the most impact.

My other options include moving into Instructional Design or Technical Writing. I've had experience in both, and there are major companies with their EU headquarters situated in Ireland at the moment. I could save some money by working at these companies, and move towards a Masters degree in Education in the future. I could also move into corporate training, or acquire my Microsoft certificates specializing in teaching Microsoft-related software. These avenues may provide more monetary reward, but I'm less motivated by money and more by how I feel and what experience teaches me.

All that said: I have Crohn's Disease and my wife is a Type 1 Diabetic. We've got more on our plates than many people, jobs and education aside. My number one goal is to maintain her health, and mine. Outside of that, enough money to cover expenses such as medication, food, shelter is all we need as long as we have each other. I mean, sure, I'd love to have a car, travel a bit and all, but teaching others and helping them do things that I'll never be able to do makes me happier than a new toy ever would.

PIDP 3260 - Education-related video

How to keep the spark alive in children and adults:

Orson Scott Card gives his take on how 'rules' aren't necessarily a bad thing. From eating at a restaurant, to rules governing poetry, Orson shows us that by utilizing guidelines and rules in the right way, we can create and continue to grow curiosity in our minds.

I agree, as a former interaction design student at SFU, that we all need criteria or constraints to push us in a certain direction. For example, when I'm discussing with my wife where we want to eat, the first answer is always "I don't know". Then, we start building criteria: somewhere new, a genre of food we haven't had lately, something that will work with my Crohn's and not send her into diabetic ketoacidosis. Then the list narrows, but these constraints do help!

When taking on a new project or teaching a new student, there will also always be constraints or criteria to their skillset, personality, and what motivates them.

Let's do our best to always keep curiosity and the drive to think for ourselves alive!

PIDP 3260 - Assumptions of Skillful Teaching

I honestly thought I'd addressed this before. But, I'm more than happy to provide input towards an assumption of skillful teaching.

1) Skillful Teaching is Whatever Helps Students Learn

This is one of those ambiguous statements that slightly bothers me enough just to bother me. It's a little vague, and involves a lot more digging than skimming over the surface. This is almost like saying "skillful driving is whatever gets us from point A to B".

Using the car metaphor, a skillful driver will know where they're going, what controls to operate, when and how to operate them, but most importantly why. For example, what gear to be in while going up a hill on a dirt road, while maintaining the correct angle of the steering wheel and giving just enough throttle to keep the car accelerating but not lose control.

As Brookfield states, "If we take this assumption seriously, it means our teaching becomes more, not less, complex." (Brookfield, 2011, p. 18).

Providing affordable, consistent, and evolving computer literacy education.

Pew Research Center reported in 2014 that “among seniors with an annual household income of $75,000 or more, 90% go online and 82% have broadband at home”. While this may seem mildly surprising, what’s unfortunate is for those “earning less than $30,000 annually, 39% go online and 25% have broadband at home”.

As someone who believes that money shouldn’t be a barrier to those seeking education or information, these statistics baffle me. Jose Bowen states “the food industry has learned the lessons of internet transformation and has adapted successfully by enhancing, readjusting, and extending its products” (Bowen, 2012, p. 244).

The food industry is a generic example of a major conglomerate industry that has adapted its formulae to provide its goods and services to the public, for persons of varying income (for the most part). That said, I need to find a way to provide consistent and affordable computer literacy education that evolves with technology. Like food, computer literacy has become a staple to function in Western society.

A simple solution to most instructors nowadays, for providing course curricula to many students for an affordable price point would be to put their courses online. This makes the information available widely, without needing to cover the costs of distribution of physical information or instruction. However, as an instructor of computer literacy, this isn’t an option that would favour me.

There are community centres in urban areas, for example Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver which lend their spaces to volunteer-lead and conducted workshops. However, there is usually very little press about these workshops, and they usually involve a bring-your-own-laptop (BYOL) policy.

Without diluting physical accessibility, a core component in step-by-step computer literacy classes, I’ll need to work with and modify existing methods of teaching. I aim to teach and provide instruction regardless of financial situation or any denomination.

I may have to resort to older tactics I learned in university. As a former Public Relations Coordinator at CJSF Radio, I’ve had plenty of experience in negotiating spaces for events. I could arrange sponsored events at local shopping centres during non-peak hours. This means certain shops may subsidize technology requirements (big-box technology stores), coffee or tea, and even a space to host the event. It could be for as little as 10 to 30 people.

For example, Central City Shopping Centre in Surrey, BC would be an ideal location. They hold the Simon Fraser University (SFU) campus on-site, which has plenty of tech equipment. If they worked together with Best Buy, and a local coffee shop, there could be an event held at an atrium in the mall or a designated computer lab on campus. This is also a transit hub, which makes for easier accessibility for seniors and other transit riders. A nominal $5-10 drop-in fee or reservation for the workshop would help ensure attendance and avoid no-shows.

While there may not be much money generated for myself as an instructor, companies would have their products advertised. From experience, learners will usually tend to lend their technology purchases to familiar interfaces and products, as to not have to re-adapt to a different product.

I understand that I’ll still need to profit as an instructor, even if I do take measures like creating a low-income computer literacy workshop for seniors. However, there are definitely ways I can manage this. There are community colleges and institutions that I can work for, teaching certain classes during the day. For example, I’m more than happy to teach an introductory computing class at Vancouver Community College (VCC). I also understand they have a computer literacy workshop, which I can volunteer at on the side.

Going forward, these statistics have opened my eyes to remain true to my roots of how I was raised. While I need to work and profit in order to pay for my food, housing, and medication, I must also never forget that there are ways for me to help others succeed and put them in positions better than my own. I will work to redesign my curriculum for my computer literacy classes, helping to make them more affordable, consistent, and evolve as technology does. My own parents qualify as seniors who didn’t quite grasp technology, and from working in technical support, I can see just how lost they would be without becoming computer literate.

All in all, I will strive to provide an effortless experience to my students. When using technology becomes effortless for them, is when I know I’ve done my work. I can end this entry with one last except from Bowen: “We’d all like to be better teachers – even if we feel the university does not reward us for doing so. Creating a shared sense of mission about teaching, therefore, is more motivating than almost anything else.” (Bowen, 2012, p. 265)

Reference (Because I used a book from PIDP 3240!)

Bowen, J. A. (2012). Teaching naked: How moving technology out of your college classroom will improve student learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Resistance is a Necessary Struggle to Learning

Brookfield talks about "resistance" on page 232 of the 2nd edition. "Resistance is Normal", the subtitle states. It's important in my field, teaching the basics of computer literacy to those who otherwise wouldn't have had it, to put it on the table.

People are often unwilling to learn how things work, especially if they can call a hotline and yell at some poor soul until it's magically fixed. However, I know this can be hard. I've worked years in technical support, and I have the patience and tolerance, almost as good as my wife (she puts up with me every single day).

I can talk about my own resistance to learning. I hated math, and I hated it because of my teachers. Until I found one that really spoke to me, and taught me a non-stupid way of learning math, I had no interest in it and honestly believed I couldn't do it.

I want to bring up open conversation, and have people not hide who they are, or be afraid to ask questions. When it comes to learning a new language and set of skills that works both the brain and the hands, there aren't really any dumb questions.

For example, I've had students who didn't know how to plug in a USB device, or what it was used for. They had no idea they could back up files on a USB drive, or that a USB drive was actually a portable hard drive. They simply have been using basic word processing at work and driven so hard into it that they never actually learned how to use a computer. They knew about "turning it off and on again", but had no idea there was a 'reset' button, or a 'Restart' option in Windows or why it was there.

It's my goal to help people understand these basics, and to bring them up to speed so they don't waste any more time, effort, or stress. I want to help make technology less scary, and instill confidence in our average users.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Why PIDP 3260 is Right for Me (From Aug 21)

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Why PIDP 3260 is Right for Me

Why is PIDP 3260 relevant to me?

Well, I've had a formal background in learning the hard skills that I need to teach, and some soft skills in the development of courses, but no real training in receiving feedback or professionalism. Most of it has been self-taught through different positions I've held at non-profit organizations such as CJSF Radio, and big tech conglomerates (at the time) like BlackBerry.

I'll get to learn about effective instruction, types of assessment of evaluation, and ways to improve my professional practice. I feel like this will give me an upper hand when I finish the program. As nervous as I'll be when I get my first full classroom, this should help quell the symptoms of nerves and anxiety.

Authenticity as an Ally in Teaching (From Aug 21)

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Authenticity as an Ally in Teaching

As far as I can remember, I knew straight from high school that if I were to ever teach, I wouldn't be like 90% of the teachers I had then. Days felt like years, and their interest as an ally in my learning was as fictitious as their interest in keeping my daily beatings from bullies to a minimum.

That aside, Brooksfield writes in his chapter on 'What Students Value in Teachers' that teachers who are authentic "are perceived to be allies in learning who are trustworthy, open, and honest in their dealings with students." (p. 67)

While my classroom will most likely contain adults, and bullying less of a worry, there is still a considerable amount of stress and tension that can be enhanced or removed by my behaviour as an instructor.

I understand from years of working in technical support, user experience design, and training new employees that there are learning curves that are matched by some, and not by others. It's a nature of how our minds work, and I'm genuinely interested in helping each and every one of my students go from where they are, to where they want to be.

Walking students through basics of computer literacy is paramount. Brooksfield mentions a "congruence between words and actions" (p. 67), but I prefer to hold my students' hands (figuratively, of course) through their initial steps. Computer literacy contains the basic building blocks of communication and function in most occupations and daily life in today's society.

My goal is to make the process of learning and practicing these skills as effortless for them as possible. It can seem daunting, but when taught correctly (subjective for each student), it can be quite effortless; for some it may even be enjoyable.

That said, I intend to remain transparent as a person, and genuinely care for my students to shape their learning to meet their intentions as best I can. This includes walking them through steps, responding to inquiries and feedback, as well as being personable. I've been in fields from technical support to development, and I understand communication flaws on many points on the spectrum that can prevent people from understanding how to interact with technology.

Teaching as White Water Rafting (From Aug 15)

Monday, 15 August 2016

Teaching as White Water Rafting (Brooksfield Chapter 1, 2nd Edition)

Well, I've never been good on water but I can say that white water rafting can undoubtedly work as a metaphor to teaching. While others may see it as a job with many uncontrollable variables and decisions to make in little time, all while tumbling downstream with rocks and obstacles in the way, I see it as organized chaos.

Sure, you have your obstacles, people to work with and decisions to make. Time management is crucial, both in the water but also as a teacher. Brooksfield writes "teachers are struggling gladiators of ambiguity" (p. 9). We make structured knowledge out of information clouds, and (more or less) successfully communicate retained knowledge to learners through some chosen medium.

All I can say is, to the untrained mind the idea of teaching can seem treacherous. That said, to someone who's never had the experience of or the yearn to whitewater raft, the same can be said about that. I'm terrified of rapids, seeing as I'm not a strong swimmer. I can only imagine how people must feel teaching white water rafting.

The Muddiest Point (From Aug 15)

Monday, 15 August 2016

The Muddiest Point

Seeing as I'll be teaching some form of computer literacy, "The Muddiest Point" (Brooksfield, p. 38) allows students to write down (or maybe in the case of my class, anonymously instant message) the most unclear portion of the class for that day, and send it to the instructor.

For example, if I'm going to be teaching the basics of structuring and formatting a résumé in Microsoft Word, there may be an 'muddy point' involving the appearance of text headings. This way, it may be something as simple as re-visiting step-by-step instructions for a particular sub-topic. However, it could also be someone reaching a state of built up anxiety and needing to take a step back in the course to recover and regroup.

Either way, this exercise can help learners address any confusion or 'muddiness' that may be in the classroom. I will try this with my next students that I tutor, and see how it goes!

Autobiography (From Monday, Aug 15)

I accidentally created a new URL "" on my Blogger Account. I'm swapping all the posts here to my main blog! Crohn's meds will do a number to anyone.

Monday, 15 August 2016


This should have been up yesterday, but Crohn's sometimes keeps me in the washroom on long overnighters. I guess that's the best introduction I can give myself! My name is Adam Dewji, and recently I've come to understand that Crohn's is just the bottom of the pyramid of "pain-in-the-butt" (no pun intended) digestive issues that affect me.

Outside of that, I'm and introverted extrovert with a BA in Interactive Arts and Technology from SFU. I'm very raw and to-the-point, because I'd rather not sugarcoat a situation. However, I do know when a situation warrants it (and will when appropriate). I was involved with CJSF 90.1FM as a host, on-air trainer, and executive from 2007 to 2012. This doesn't mean I have a great radio voice, but I have experience voice acting; I can pretend to have a decent radio voice.

I found my passion for teaching while at CJSF Radio. Training new volunteers how to become a full fledged radio DJ was a challenge that I enjoyed so much, that I re-designed the entire training curriculum which is still in use today. The feeling of communicating knowledge, and having someone reciprocate it back to you with a smile on their face is one of most accomplished feelings I've experienced.


Monday 1 August 2016

Onward to Professional Practice

It's not often you'd get a chance in life to drop everything in a moment and pursue your passion. That's what I've done. I have been halfway through this PIDP program for some time now, and I can't wait any longer. I quit my day job, sick of the corporate shenanigans and penny-pinched teams stressing over every little detail. I'm already dealing with Crohn's and a multitude of other illnesses--I can't possibly fathom the energy to pick up other people's messes while having more work shoved down my throat.

That said, I'm back!--a little grey and rougher around the edges. I feel I've grown, and this will change the way I approach the next three courses and my Capstone project. PIDP 3260 is my next course, followed by enrollment in 3240 later this month.

I'm hoping 3220 will be offered in September at Camosun (yes, I know it's in Victoria) so I can start my Capstone in October. I've already developed a curriculum for self-designed courses I want to teach! I haven't felt this eager and driven...knowing what I want and how to get there. It's refreshing.

With my time off, I'm focusing on my health, self-improvement, and managing my Crohn's + other symptoms (it's honestly a second FT job). I'm lucky enough to have my fiancee and family by my side.

Anyways, I'd better stop writing all this personal stuff and focus on my work. If you'd like to chat about anything Crohn's / illness-related, or craft beer, cider, whiskey, hockey, etc., I'm here! But I'm a Canucks fan, so be prepared.
